Have You Considered the Humble Nature of Jesus?
Jesus teaches by Example
When we think of teachers, many of us imagine professors with distinguished titles or scholars who command attention with their knowledge. But the greatest teacher to ever walk this earth wasn’t a scholar from a renowned institution. Instead, He was Jesus—humble, compassionate, and authoritative in a way that left crowds astonished.
Jesus: The Perfect Teacher
Jesus didn’t just come to be a wise figure; His mission was central to teaching, healing, and spreading the message of God’s kingdom. As someone recognized for teaching with true authority (Matthew 7:28-29), Jesus didn’t rely on human titles or credentials. Even Nicodemus, a well-known Pharisee, acknowledged Jesus as “a teacher come from God” (John 3:2).
Jesus’ unique teaching style paired strength with compassion. He balanced truth and love, setting an example for all future generations. Even when He had to deliver hard truths, like when He encountered the rich young ruler, He did so with love (Mark 10:21).
The Disciples: Unlikely Students
If you look closely, the disciples weren’t exactly “star students.” They often misunderstood Jesus’ teachings. After Jesus miraculously fed a large crowd, they still missed the deeper spiritual lesson about “the leaven” (Matthew 16:8). When Jesus shared the future of His suffering, Peter openly rebuked Him—a misunderstanding so serious that Jesus replied, “Get behind me, Satan” (Matthew 16:23).
During crucial moments, the disciples showed fear, confusion, and inconsistency. On the night of His arrest, they fled (Matthew 26:56). Jesus even knew that one of them, Judas, would betray Him. Despite these failures, Jesus continued to teach, guide, and love them.
Repeated Lessons on Humility
One recurring issue among the disciples was their struggle with pride. They argued over who was the greatest among them (Mark 9:33-35). Even James and John asked Jesus for special seats beside Him in His future glory (Mark 10:35-37), creating tension among the others.
Yet, Jesus didn’t ignore their pride. He consistently reminded them that true greatness comes from humility and service. In Mark 10:43-45, He clarified that whoever wants to be first must be a servant to all, just as He came “not to be served, but to serve.”
The Ultimate Example: Jesus Washing His Disciples’ Feet
Perhaps the most powerful example of Jesus’ humility happened just before His crucifixion. He gathered His disciples for the Last Supper, aware of His imminent suffering. In a time when He could have focused on His own trials, Jesus chose to serve His disciples in a humbling way—by washing their feet (John 13:1-17).
Foot-washing was typically reserved for the lowest servants, especially among the Gentiles. Yet Jesus, the Son of God, knelt before each disciple, including Peter (who would deny Him) and Judas (who would betray Him). This act of service showed that no one is too great to serve others, reinforcing His lesson on humility.
When Peter hesitated, uncomfortable with Jesus taking on such a lowly role, Jesus explained that understanding would come in time. “If I do not wash you, you have no part with Me,” He told Peter, challenging him to accept both the lesson and the Teacher (John 13:8).
Applying Jesus’ Lessons Today
Jesus didn’t wash His disciples’ feet to create a ritual; He was teaching a lesson in humility and love. In John 13:13-17, He explained that if He, the Teacher and Lord, could serve them in this way, they should serve one another. This example of sacrificial love wasn’t just for the disciples—it’s a model for us all.
So how can we apply this humble, servant-hearted approach today?
Serve in Small Ways: Humility doesn’t require grand gestures. It’s often seen in the willingness to serve others quietly and without recognition.
Love Sacrificially: Just as Jesus loved those who disappointed Him, including Peter and Judas, we too are called to love even when it’s difficult. Is there someone you need to forgive, serve, or reach out to this week?
Embrace Humility: Are there areas in your life where you can choose to step back and serve? Humility might look like taking on a task no one else wants to do or putting others’ needs ahead of your own.
Reflection Questions
Are you willing to let Jesus guide you? Like Peter, do you sometimes find yourself trying to “correct” God’s plans? Remember, we’re called to trust in Jesus’ wisdom, even when we don’t understand it.
How can you practice humility this week? Serving others isn’t always glamorous, but true greatness in God’s eyes is found in humble service.
Are you showing unconditional love? Jesus loved His disciples, faults and all. Consider who in your life you can love more fully, even when it’s challenging.
Final Thought
Jesus calls us not only to understand His teachings but to put them into action. The blessing comes in doing, not merely knowing (John 13:17). As we strive to follow Jesus’ example, let’s remember that true humility is found in service, and true love is shown in putting others before ourselves.
Peter learned the lesson well and would later write in 1 Peter 5:5-6, “clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, for God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Jesus is the ultimate Teacher—and His lesson on humility is one that we should carry with us each day. Won’t you join us?