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home study lessons

Start learning what Jesus came to teach today

Start learning what Jesus came to teach today

Lesson 1 Understanding the bible

Many people believe the Bible cannot be understood. I have heard comments such as “Its a difficult read”, “its old history”, “its not relevant today”. God gave us the Bible for the very purpose of understanding God. In the 1st book of Timothy chapter 2, verses 3-4 it says “This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” We have a download for you below, lesson 1. It covers the content of the Bible, the old testament and the new testament, and gives you a rounded introduction to set the scene for our study of Jesus.

Only Jesus provides the answer

Only Jesus provides the answer

Lesson 2 Sin and the Blood of Christ

The enemy of all mankind is sin. It has changed lives, relationships, families, and undermines our relationship with God. Mankind has learned that he cannot live perfect, and so sin is the common weakness. We can’t resolve it. God had to intervene, and in lesson 2, we learn how a Loving Father and obedient Son set about giving you a chance of leaving sin behind. Interested? Download, fill in the answers, and send it back to us as we help you grow in your understanding from the Bible.

What must I do to be Saved?

What must I do to be Saved?

Lesson 3 What must I do to be Saved

God didn’t send His Son without a plan. Jesus made it possible for all of us to be reconciled to God. All we need to know and study now, is what will He have us do, so we can avail of the wonderful gift of Christ. Download Lesson 3 by clicking link below, and let us study together.

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Lesson 4 The New Testament Church

When Jesus spoke to Peter and the Apostles in Matthew 16:18, he said “I will build My Church”. That’s singular and possessive in nature. Did Jesus build His church? The question is, how do we recognise the one church Jesus built? Let us examine the distinguishing features of the Lord’s church in our study, lesson 4.


Lesson 5 Denominations

How has the narrow way become so broad? Did Jesus intend for His people to be following different paths? How can so many who claim to serve the one Lord and God, have conflicting doctrines, practices and structures? If you want to study the answers, join us in lesson 5 and lets study what God has to say about this matter.


Lesson 6 Baptism

Belief is essential, confessing Christ is essential. Repentance is essential, and Baptism now saves us. Our sixth study looks at Baptism as described and applied in the scriptures. Join us as we see what the Holy Spirit revealed about Baptism.